The Award was a little too Price-y for Taylor Mays.

Dirty rep costs usc’s Taylor Mays the Price War, as he loses the Pac-10 Defensive Player of the Year Award to UCLA’s Brian Price

When alleged trojan superstar Taylor Mays announced last year that he would return to usc for one more year, everyone was shocked.  He had already proven himself, and would have been a very high Draft pick.  But Mays came back.  Talk about regrets…

If Mays knew that the trojans would go 5-4 in the Pac-10 this year, he would have JUMPED at last year’s Draft.  But you can’t blame him for that — No one knew how bad usc would be this year.  But part of the reason they were so bad, was Mays himself.  Sure, he’s one of the most talented Defensive Backs in the Land, but he was so intent on delivering hits that would air on Sportscenter’s “Top Ten Plays,” that he neglected his other responsibilities, like Interceptions.

While the United States Congress was calling Mays a “Headhunter,” during sessions designed to cut down head injuries in Football, UCLA’s Brian Price was quietly going about his business, anchoring one of the best Defenses in the West.  Price led the Pac-10 with 22 1/2 Tackles For Loss, as he forced opponents to double-team him and scheme around him.  Just like teams rarely THREW at Alterraun Verner, they tried not to RUN at Brian Price too much.  But Price was able to still take over games.

Price is a Junior, and says that he will test the waters in this year’s NFL Draft.  In the past, he has disclosed his desire to stay at UCLA for his Senior year.  Those statements give hope to Bruin fans, who would ordinarily be completely pessimistic/realistic about Price’s imminent departure.  However, there is a impending change in the NFL Rookie salary minimums, so there is supposed to be a mass exodus of Juniors this year.  Notre Dame’s two stars declared yesterday, and as soon as sc is done pounding Boston College in the Emerald Bowl (Pom Pom never loses 2 games in a row), DamiEn Williams is expected to do the same.  I guess Matt Barkley will have to wait another year.  Hopefully, Brian Price will do the same.  Wouldn’t it be nice to stay one more year, and go out as the two-time Pac-10  Defensive Player of the Year, topped off with a WIN over usc on Senior Day at the Rose Bowl?  The NFL isn’t going anywhere, and whatever the new minimum is, I’m sure it will be enough to keep Price happy for a while…  But it may be a pay cut for Mays.

Price and Mays were joined on the All Pac-10 FIRST TEAM by FOUR other Bruins:  Reggie Carter, Alterraun Verner, Rahim Moore, and Kai Forbath, with Terrence Austin and Jeff Locke making the Second Team.  Four other Bruins got Honorable Mentions:  Akeem Ayres, Kyle Bosworth, Nelson Rosario, and Xavier Su’a-Filo.  With a little help from Navy, all these Bruins will get one more chance this year to prove they they deserve the honors.

 One more year!!  No offense to anyone, but the dropoff would be monumental.

  This one’s by request for someone with the same last name as one of sc’s RB’s;  Hopefully, there’s no relation.

And another one for the same reader, who wanted action shots of a certain girl.

A little Basketball note:  Apparently, Jerime Anderson didn’t lose his starting job — YET — Allegedly, he was just being disciplined, for just the Kansas game, due to a problem with a class assignment.

I hope the sparkle in her eye puts a sparkle in your day.

Just saw the new commercial for Trojan Ecstasy Condoms — “Almost like there’s nothing there.”  Just like a trojan education?



  1. Rick Avatar

    Re your caption about Jerime Anderson not (yet) actually losing his starting job: too bad; I thought Howland finally recognized the obvious– that Lee is not only a much better player, but has a greater ability to create, and should therefore be running the offense. It also allows Roll to play his natural (2) position, and adds a rebounder at the 3. Seems like a no-brainer.
    Btw, you take away the missed layups, silly turnovers, and injury to Nelson, and they, surprisingly, would’ve given Kansas all they could handle.

    Finally, memo to Brian Price: After what sc did to you, you owe it to your boys to come back for one more year to make sure and payback/punish the trojans in the Rose Bowl next year. No need to go out with that kind of nasty taste in your mouth. Come back, make history going back-to-back Pac 10 defensive player of the year, and make it right!