The Color of Money, right on Cue — At the 2014 “Swim With Mike” Charity Event, Trojans and friends (and frenemies) Rack Up over one million dollars to fund scholarships for physically challenged athletes, as the 34-year total Breaks FIFTEEN million
Minnesota has Minnesota Fats. Southern Cal has California Sveltes. On Saturday, the fit and trim USC Song Girls led the 34th Annual Swim With Mike Fundraiser to new heights, by donning sexy pink bikinis, and inspiring attendees to plunk down over $1,000,000 to put physical disabilities behind the 8-ball.
That 7-figure take increases the overall total raised by this worthwhile charity to over $15,000,000. All this money helps athletes who have endured devastating injuries like paralysis, to go to college and continue to live happy, normal, productive lives. Many of these students matriculate at USC, but lots go to other schools as well, like Texas and UCLA. So it’s not just Trojans raising this money and participating in the ongoing education of these admirable, courageous recipients — Bruins, Longhorns, and several other schools’ fans and alumni make this cause a thriving success.
So once again, in the name of a truly worthy cause, I observe a Rivalry TRUCE this week, as I HONOR the USC cheerleaders, for their willingness to partake in the Innertube Relay race while clad in revealing, two-piece swimsuits, while hundreds of camera-toting spectators record it all for posterity. These girls are REALLY GOOD SPORTS, to put up with all the ogling fans, ALL IN THE NAME OF RAISING MONEY FOR A WONDERFUL CAUSE. Because of their generosity, I pick only the most flattering photographs, and I will not tolerate (or even publish) any negative comments about them from readers. I also implore you to dig deep into your own deep pockets, and share what you can with this charity. You can donate via their website, at swimwithmike.org. And yes, I myself contributed too, by “winning” an item in the silent auction. But I’d like to think my better contribution is providing the Charity with all the publicity and exposure that is garnered by the posting of all these lovely photos. Hundreds of thousands of people view my pics from this event, annually, and see my plea for them to financially support the cause.
So enjoy today’s 50 photos from Saturday’s event, consider donating, and come back during the week for about 86 more pics. Click on the photos to enlarge them, and if you have anything nice to say, send in a comment.