Organ Grinder Monkey Business — A White Supremacist beats The Juice to a pulp in jail, and Doctors transplant a kidney into the WRONG patient at USC Hospital, but both victims are doing fine

These stories are no laughing matters, and I wouldn’t even report them if anyone had been irreparably damaged.  But O.J. can say “grazie” to the Nazi, because just like Hitler, this Aryan didn’t finish what he started, and the transplant patient can say “merCI” to the powers that be, because her body did not reject her new kidney.

A few weeks ago, O.J. Simpson got pummelled nearly to death, in a jailhouse mauling by a KKK-type.  Simpson has already recovered from the brutal beating, and is back to making license plates, or whatever it is he does while serving out his Armed Robbery/Kidnapping sentence.  There is no information on whether the attack  — which was CHEERED ON by the other prisoners — was motivated by the color of O.J.’s skin, the color of his college jersey, or his true colors as an unconvicted and unrepentant double-murderer.  Whichever it is, I refuse to take any joy in something perpetrated by a Neo-Nazi.  Maybe O.J. really deserves a seat in Old Sparky, or a prick from The Needle, but any punishment should have been delivered by the proper authorities, not by a skinhead, who doesn’t deserve to be the one to wipe that arrogant smirk off of O.J.’s face.

Meanwhile, there is a pool of people at USC Hospital who are probably not arrogantly smirking any more, after their giant, kidney-shaped f-up this week.  The organ in question was apparently marked correctly after being shipped to sc, but someone at USC Hospital goofed big time, designating it to be inserted into the wrong patient.  There should be some major malpractice lawsuits, even though the donor’s Type O blood made the organ compatible with the recipient.

USC Hospital has a good reputation, and it was at UCLA where the nasty cadaver incident took place, so it’s not like this one screw-up at USC means that the Hospital sucks.  In fact, I have personally undergone gloriously successful surgery for a life-and-limb-threatening injury at that very USC Hospital.  HOWEVER… the resident TROJAN Doctors tried to amputate my leg, before we found a UCLA surgeon to come over and stop the limb-removal, just moments before I went under the kinfe.  The Bruin Doc performed two surgeries, and now I’m fine.  Of course, the trojan Doctors were angered about getting shown up, so, during their rounds,  they wrote “UCLA Sucks” on the dry erase board in my recovery room, and they intentionally popped all my blue and gold balloons that my family had brought in to brighten up the room.  Yup — Once again, trojan class on parade.  Not even sc DOCTORS are immune from the trojan disease.  And speaking of disease:  At the USC-County Med Center next door, BEFORE my surgery, a player from the U$C football team, who was handcuffed to a gurney in the ward where I was being held, threatened to kill me if I didn’t give him my Morphine.  I told him to go f himself… but it was definitely the Morphine talking — I’m not that brave without mind-numbing narcotics.

Keep in mind that the Kidney Mistake was proabably made by nurses or administrative staff — It might not have been the Doctors’ fault.  So, if you find yourself in the USC Hospital or Med Center one day, don’t panic — You may get very good care… just get a second opinion from a UCLA Doctor before the trojan doctors brandish their swords, and try to steer clear of any trojan patients who aren’t thoroughly restrained.      


3 responses to “THE KID(NEY)S ARE ALRIGHT”

  1. dswenson Avatar

    Not sure about your somewhat praise of $c Hospital. Awhile back they had the highest total of fatal liver transplants of any hospital around. I wouldn’t want to go there. Glad you are fine. Glad UCLA doctor saved your leg. I can’t believe that the doctors wrote that on the board and popped your balloons. You are right – NO CLASS!!!!!!!

  2. josephine bruin Avatar
    josephine bruin

    love the info!!

  3. scott shimamoto Avatar

    ALL OJs can do nothing wrong in my mind. I love OJ 1 and want to do OJ 2. Spread the MAYO! TROGANS 4 ever! CHEAT ON!