Cork the cheesey wine-ing: Here’s a liberal pour of vintage Brianna saying cheese (long before her CURRENT Reign as Sports Illustrated’s Cheerleader of the Week)
“Welcome to the Party, Pal!” The Bruce Willis catchphrase from “Die Hard” is today’s message, to Sports Illustrated. Thanks to several readers who wrote in, we learned yesterday that UCLA’s own Brianna is presently being featured on SI’s website as the “Cheerleader of the Week.”
And as they say on BruinZone to a redundant post: Generalisimo Franco is still dead. Congratulations to Sports Illustrated for finally “discovering” Brianna, after all these months of National TV exposure, not to mention the millions of hits that she has inspired on THESE very pages. But that is not important. What IS important is that Brianna, who is an excellent representative of UCLA (in more ways than you think), is finally getting the National exposure that she deserves.
That will shine nicely on UCLA, even to the point of helping Recruiting. Millions and millions of people will peruse her TWENTY-FIVE PHOTO slideshow on that site, and the photos look great. There are no “offensive” shots, and it looks like the Dance Team did a photo shoot at the SM Pier/Beach, so there’s a nice change of pace for the background (as if lots of people notice the background). No, they aren’t in swimwear, but the POSED shots came out very nice, and might make a few Recruits question their oral commitments to other schools.
We MAY be just a tad jealous that SI is sort of stealing our thunder, and that they get private shoots, and that Brianna probably won’t care about little local web sites any more, but… WE COULDN’T BE HAPPIER FOR HER. In our brief communications with her, she has been completely Classy and Sweet. So when the SI spread makes her an International Web Sensation which leads to a successful career and joyous life, we’ll be thrilled for her, as opposed to envious, which is pretty unusual for us. Generally, we’re much more selfish than that.
Speaking of selfish, we wonder how the photos here compare with the SI shots. They get posed shots, with special lighting and Professional camera equipment. We take most of ours from our seats at the venue, or from a mob scene crowd, with no tripod, and not even a “real” (SLR) camera. Not only that, but these are all shots that have never been seen before, meaning that they weren’t the best 50 or so from that event. However, we still don’t think that the difference is all that huge. And the best part of “ours” versus “theirs,” is that ours don’t take so long to load and switch, ours don’t come with annoying ads, and… ours blow up larger. Ooooh. Take that, S.I. We’re sure the S.I. Executives will lose sleep tonight.
But let us know if you think these are “SI-worthy.” If not, then keep it to yourself. And don’t click on any of them.
Epic. SI’s don’t hold a candle to the Trojan-Hater. GO BRUINS! BEAT THE TIGERS!
Your Right!
I’m in HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Go UCLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go BRUINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and you what’s next…..
PS SI has nothing over your shots….NOTHING! you’re the MAN…
Your pics are always great. This is the training ground before the girls make it big, so consider yourself the UCLA of the NBA…haha.