Lost somewhere in time.

Relaxing nostalgic:  Take a tranquil trip back in time and space, hoping that all will be revealed

“They talk of days for which they sit and wait and all will be revealed.”

–Led Zeppelin, Kashmir

With this week’s most recent — and fairly damning — allegations against usc’s basketball and beloved football programs, everyone who didn’t buy a trojan diploma is counting the days until troy sports crumbles under the weight of severe NCAA penalties. The tension grows, as the pile of evidence continues to overwhelm the NCAA offices.

Meanwhile, the arrogant trojans are still clinging to the ridiculous notion that usc was unaware of all the violations and payoffs that were taking place.  The absurdity of this faulty belief is equal to the absurdity of the level of cheating that sc has apparently been getting away with.

It is enough to give a trojan-hater high blood pressure.  So, even though this MAY backfire, here are some serene photos from a time gone by — 2006 — during the early reign of the UCLA Dance Team, to calm you, like a pussycat’s purr, or just to channel your passion and emotion stirred up by waiting for the guillotine to fall.

[Reminder to all you guys with fried memories:  You can click on each of these photos, to enlarge them and zoom in.]

Welcome back to 2006

“New” pics from ‘06 for all you guys and chicks.

Obviously, the domination had already begun.

And it was the start of a Dynasty with no end in sight.

Is Mollie the John Wooden of Spirit?  Are Chelsea, Brianna, Katie and Elise the Alcindor, Walton, Wicks and Rowe of Spirit?  Who’s the T-Love?

Get your kicks, on Route 2006


No need for Livin’ In The Past… but it’s nice to know that we can if we have to.

Vintage UCLA — 2006 was a very good year.

“Bye-Furious”  Sorry, but it’s time to return to the Present, i.e. reality.


One response to “PLACID FLASHBACK”

  1. Bruin Dave Avatar
    Bruin Dave

    Thanks for showing pictures of Chelsea again! Best Bruin Cheerleader Ever!