In an age of instant “gramification,” it’s important to remember: It doesn’t have to be from this instant to be gratifying — Case in point: Here are some never-before-seen photos taken 4 months ago that will still brighten up your day
With less than two weeks to go before UCLA Football season begins and you become inundated by new photos of the new version of the UCLA Spirit Squad, I thought I would share some more gems from last year’s unit. These 21 photos feature 4 members of the UCLA Dance Team, who will all — happily — be returning this year: MaCall, Caroline, Juliet, and Riana. These were the 4 Dance Team members who performed at the 2013 Spring Scrimmage, where I was fortunate enough to be close to the front row, right in front of these lovely and talented girls.
Please enjoy these 21 flashback photos. Click on them to enlarge/zoom, and come back for more UCLA Spirit photos very soon — I will share some more from last season before the new season kicks off.