Like a Candle in the Wind, it’s Goodbye Yellow Brick Road for ASU’s Tiny Dancers, whose entire Squad gets cancelled for a year, over tame lingerie photos (I Guess That’s Why They Call it the Blues)
Sorry seems to be the hardest word to say… but if these ASU Cheerleaders — whose non-nude lingerie photos appeared on the Internet — said that they were REALLY sorry, couldn’t they be given a second chance?
Sometimes the punishment does NOT fit the crime. I am not going to poach the photos and re-post them here for you, but believe me, you are not missing too much. They are nice, but not “porn-like” at all. In the 100+ comments that followed, no one thought they were termination-worthy. However, many people pondered why Cheerleaders wouldn’t have thinner, more toned rear ends. Of course, they didn’t phrase it quite like that, but you probably get the idea. You can Google Image it if you feel the need. But the point HERE, is, should ASU have really cancelled the entire Program over this small error in judgment?
It’s possible that there is more History to this issue, that makes the dramatic decision more appropriate. Apparently, a previous Sun Devil Cheerleader had some nude photos circulating on the Net, with her ASU Cheer Uni visible. If the Squad has been continuously behaving like HBO’s Cathouse Girls, that might explain the year-long ban.
We understand that the Girls have signed on to “represent” ASU, and need to maintain a certain, relatively-conservative image. But the issue is the severity of the School’s reaction — especially when you consider the School. For the last 20 years, ASU has made the proverbial “Playboy Lists” of biggest Party Schools in the Country, and they’re afraid that some black lace panties are going to soil their reputation?
Some people are saying that it’s hypocritical of the School to ask the Girls to wear short shirts and do high kicks in front of millions of TV viewers and thousands of fans with digital cameras, but then throw a hissy fit when they pose in lingerie. Perhaps, but it’s about perception and image, and apparently there are a lot of people who think posing in lingerie is much worse than a split-second panty-flash.
And there IS a parallel at UCLA. Some time in the distant past, some members of the Spirit Squad were photographed taking part in the traditional “Undie Run.” Now THOSE photos were hot. I was asked politely to take them off my site, and was then told that the girls involved were “in trouble.” I don’t know exactly what happened, but the discipline did NOT include terminating the Spirit Squad for an entire School Year. When did Anita Bryant take over at Arizona State?
And from Anita Bryant, to her Grandson, Kobe: Mr. Kobe Bryant has finally won the NBA’s MVP Award. The Official announcement will come next week, but the “inside” reports that Kobe got it are already all over the Media. His two challengers were Kevin Garnett and Chris Paul — both worthy candidates — but Kobe deserved to win just based on the Scorsese Principle.
And let’s not forget to credit an Assist to Mitch Kupchak — If Pau Gasol didn’t join Kobe late this season, the Lakers wouldn’t be Media Darlings again, and they wouldn’t have been chanting “M-V-P” in Denver when Kobe was shooting Free Throws.
The best part of this award is to see Shaq, who is already Home for the Holidays, watching Kobe rule, and watching the Lakers climb to success without him. There is no doubt that choosing Kobe over Shaq was the decision that HAD to be made.
Below are a few more shots of the ASU Cheerleaders, in honor of their SEEMINGLY unfair treatment.
4 responses to ““DON’T LET THE SUN (DEVILS) GO DOWN ON ME””
ASU has been trying to clean their image for a while now, but just like the NBA their methods of doing so has been very inconsistent.. and to say the least… odd. I heard that the former ASU cheerleader that appeared in nude photo’s with her uni’ visible actually appeared in an adult video with it on, and is now actually one of the bigger porn stars out there today. Of course she got kicked off the squad, and I think she left the school afterwards to pursue her adult career. So knowing that, I could kind of see the angle ASU is coming from, but the photo’s of the former cheer’ squad hardly looked raunchy to me. I too questioned the high-kicking short skirt routine’s, they’re allowing them to do that so I don’t really see the foul here.
At least UCLA’s Spirit Squad has been kept in tact.
Props to the entire dance team! Also glad Chantel made it back on the cheer squad as well 🙂
And I thought USC had it bad when one of their Song Girls was the ringleader for that L.A. Trade Tech no coursework “A” Spanish class fiasco. This is bad news for ASU. What’s next? Girls Gone Wild Sun Devil Style?
wow, T-H isn’t exactly doing them any favors with the pictures he did post … are these girls even in the same conference as UCLA? 🙂 on the other hand, here is some proof that ASU has at least a few cheerleaders that are Division I, so to speak:
LOL – Anita Bryant and her grandson Kobe – LOVE IT!!!!!