If you like our Cheerleader Photos, and you want to see more, buy your Mom a t-shirt — Because Camera Batteries cost money
We interrupt this veritable parade of Spirit Photos to bring you this BeatSC.com Pledge Break. When you take 1777 photos at an event, you burn up some AA Batteries. Someone’s got to pay for those batteries — even the rechargeables, which still die eventually — and we are tired of that “someone” being us.
We haven’t allowed any ads on this site — pop-up or otherwise — for the whole 4 years that we’ve been around. Name us one other site that is completely, 100% devoid of advertisements. Therefore, our only hope of paying for this site’s operation is for you to purchase some merchandise. It’s not like we’re asking for donations — The shirts are Professionally-crafted by a huge company, and are competitively-priced with any other e-store.
And if you don’t like the choices, JUST TELL US WHAT YOU WANT!!! We will design and make ANY shirt, “to order.” Just tell us what you want it to say, and we’ll create it to your exact specifications. But be aware: The trojans threatened to sue us already, so we can’t put “SC” in RED. Also, we cannot infringe on UCLA’s trademarks, so we can’t make UCLA Shirts for you. Also, we can’t do flat-out profanity. Not that we’re against it, but Cafe Press (the manufacturer) won’t allow it.
So please go to our store, check out the choices, and if you don’t see anything that you like, drop us a line, specifying what you WOULD be willing to buy.
Meanwhile, we’ll start amassing the next set of Cheerleaders pics for you, and tomorrow, we’ll be back with some comments on the latest Bushgate developments, O.J.’s tax issues, and of course, more photos.
Didn’t get mom a shirt but I ordered a NEU ERA one instead. Getting one in cardinal made me chuckle but there is no way I could wear that color. I might order a “Trojan Hater” baby bib and that will be in cardinal. Who cares if the kid throws up on it. Proves he’s healthy!
Keep up the good work T-H! Football starts in 120 days! GO BRUINS!