It’s as plain as the nose on your face:  It’s a face with a nose on a plane (on a car).

It’s not ALWAYS about beautiful girls;  Sometimes it’s about cool cars

Despite what you’ve learned from years of Whitesnake videos, nice cars can look pretty good even WITHOUT a leggy supermodel stretched across the hood.  And stretching across our ‘hood on Sunday was the GM Car Show, so we trucked on over there to get some images to share.

If all you come here for is cheerleader shots, come back tomorrow.  But if you like cars, take a look at some of these classics.

“Slick Black Cadillac” — 1941

… and the interior of the same ‘41 Caddy — Check out the crank and gauges in the BACK SEAT (for Backseat Drivers?)

Did you know that hoods opened that way?  What if you have to work on the other side?

That’s a “Shelby” in the middle.

This Corvette ENGINE has a better paint job than most CARS.


One response to “FLY-BY OVER THE ‘HOOD”

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