Just received this letter:

“Elise voted #1 Sexiest Cheerleader in the Country”

“I just thought you guys should know since you guys are the true experts. Go Bruins!”

 [T-H’s Note:  Thanks to Nate for letting us know about this.  And thanks to Coed Magazine, for bestowing the title on such a deserving young lady.  By the way, Brianna also made their Top 20.]

And validating another of our long-held beliefs was GQ Magazine, who put out a list of the DOUCHIEST schools in America.  UCLA is NOT on the list, of course, but Southern Cal sure is!  According to the widely-circulated, National publication, usc is one of the Top 20 colleges in America, in terms of being full of Douche Bags.

We’ve been telling you that for years and years.  Today, finally… we are not alone in that opinion.